Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter and many other social networking websites have taken a place of a joy ride; everyone is using this social phenomenon when they need a break from their work. I believe for many in this increasingly implicit world having a chat with a cyber friend brings some meaning, if not a respite from the grind of work.Yet, I am surprised at the time that my social network friends spend on these sites-they must be spending many hours every day posting slapstick or goofy pictures, worthless links, and creepy comments about others. If only their employers knew.Actually, their employers do know. Increasingly companies are compelled to monitor the behavior of employees through social media employment background checks, who post, share regularly or they have a Barron account on the social networks.Human Resources with the help from their information technology department can data mine the social networking websites to find prospective employees. Additionally, they can function as a data source for social media employment background checks, so beware what you post. The world is watching.Employers are keen to know about your social media background and they are checking it on a seven point comprehensive criteria. The only way to survive social media employment background checks is to know how employers are going to look over your social networking profiles. This is how you can get your next job hunt success and this is how you can survive at your current employment.Seven Point Criteria for Social Media Employment Background Checks by Employers: Corporate Disparagement: Employers are looking for a person who is involved in bad mouthing about a company; they are focusing on a pattern of negative comments made by an employee for its current and past workplace and or about his/her past or current work mates.
Tendency towards Violent Behavior: In social media search, often times people are found to be expressing themselves in very violent ways and about violent acts. And employers don’t want a violent person at their workplace which can jeopardize the peaceful work environment.
The Indication of Drug Use: We certainly found examples where people talk about smoking marijuana or being involved in the drugs in a way that really isn’t appropriate like an underage person drinking. Employers are keen to know about it.
Poor Judgment: There are things like where people are talking on their Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or other sites about doing things that really show poor judgment in the way they think about stuff and that certainly is the thing employers want to avoid.
Racist or Anti Social Behavior: Unfortunately, there are people like that, that express themselves rather aggressively in the social media environment and they talk about hating other groups, hating individuals because they are part of those groups. Hating your religious or sexual orientation of some kind. Typically this is not kind of a person they want to have as their employee and that’s another social media employment background checks criterion.
Inappropriate Sexual Behavior: This is one of the areas where people sometime feel differently about one way or another. The definition of inappropriate is something that you really want to define very clearly. But if people are going way over the line, the obvious things like child pornography and other type of sexually explicit content and there is an evidence of such doing then an employer will surely use it as a social media background checks criterion to screen you out of employment.
Honesty and Integrity: And that’s what it is really all about, if people are talking about ripping off the company or stealing a hotdog from a street vendor when he was not looking, or something like that and bragging about it in their social media site, this is probably not someone who is going to get hired by an employer.These seven points are the basic criterion for the social media employment background checks that employers are now considering for their hiring process and they are certainly help them to screen out their best employee in such a scarce employment situation.But one thing that has to be mentioned about social media employment background checks is that they also possess a positive element. A person who is involved in charity, professional activities, and have recommendations on their social media profiles can attract an employer to hire you as their next prospective employee.
Abs Diet for Health and Fitness
The most important question that comes to everyone’s mind is why so many gyms, health centers, health programs etc have popped up all over the place? The main reason is that people want to look and feel good. Particularly looks play an important role though health is not any less. Nobody wants to carry an extra layer of fat around the waistline and a firm flat belly is everyone’s dream.To succeed in getting a flatter stomach, diet is essential. Not only the success of flatter stomach depends on diet but also a good abs diet lowers cholesterol and decreases blood pressure. The food listed below should be incorporated in your diet plan:• Almonds and other nuts, this will increase HDL• Green vegetables like Spinach and broccoli• Beans and other legumes, including chickpeas, kidney beans and lima beans• Dairy products like yoghurt, cheese, low-fat milk• Eggs• Turkey, chicken, fish and lean meat• Whole grain breads• Berries, especially raspberriesThe above mentioned food should be part of diet for good health and good looks. The most important thing is that you should never feel hungry and provide your body with daily nutritional requirements. The above mentioned food will provide the required amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat. Taken in moderate but adequate quantities they will never let you feel hungry. Good diet coupled with abs exercise will give you the flat stomach.There are many popular weight loss programs that discourage taking carbohydrate. But you should realize that if you venture into any exercise including 6 pack abs, carbohydrates should be included in your diet. It provides energy essential for your body and mind. Carbohydrate gets converted into glucose and it gets consumed during physical activity. Excess glucose gets converted into glycogen which gets stored in lever. The glycogen stored in lever gets consumed whenever it is needed. Only excess glycogen gets converted into fat. So don’t be scared of carbohydrate. Avoid carbohydrate if your doctors recommends.David Zinczenko of Men’s Health Magazine has developed an abs diet which has helped men across America get more than ripped abs. The followers of his program have improved their overall health manifold.Now something must be mentioned about dietary fat. Mike Geary, famous nutritionist, in his book, “Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body” wrote, “Don’t be Afraid of Dietary Fat! Even Some Saturated Fats are Healthy for You.”Good abs diet program coupled with abs exercise will give you the flat stomach.
What Are the Best Digital Photography Books?
Want to learn more about digital photography? Then you would do well to get the best digital photography books. These books have a few things in common. They teach you a great deal about photography and your digital camera. They are incredibly enjoyable to read. And the love for photography shines through in them. In this article I discuss some of the best books available in the market today which will help you hone your skills as a photographer.Posing Secrets – The Photographer’s Essential GuideA great portrait is an image of beauty. When you want to become better at taking photos of people, then you should consider reading the book titled “Posing Secrets – The Photographer’s Essential Guide”. One of the toughest jobs to do well in the photography business is photographing people. Reading this book will guide you in what kinds of techniques you need to use to do different kinds of shots such as head shots, full length shots, three-quarter shots, or body shots. It will also teach you various techniques you need to utilize when people are in motion, seating, standing, or any kind of pose you will encounter as a photographer.This book will take you to a new level of photography and will give you more confidence in taking pictures of people. Just apply the techniques that you will learn and practice them and you will see yourself constantly improving.The Digital SLR HandbookAnother book you could consider reading is “The Digital SLR Handbook” especially if you have been used to taking pictures with traditional cameras that use film. The book helps you transition from film to digital. It will give you more basic information in the difference of using a traditional camera compared with modern digital equipment as well as information regarding digital image processing. Regardless of whether you need help transitioning, there is ample supply of digital photography tips and tricks in this book and you will benefit greatly from reading it.40 Digital Photography TechniquesIf you want to correct, enhance, or create digital images either for personal or business purposes, then you should read “40 Digital Photography Techniques”. This book is loaded with information that is useful for everyone whether you are a beginner in the industry, someone who is switching from film to digital, or a professional who is simply looking for ways to improve his skills to gain more edge in the competition.When you read the book you will be amazed on how technical concepts are made simple through this guide with its step by step instructions, coupled with clear explanations, tips, and shortcuts. Even if you are still an amateur, you can expect to shoot a professional looking image with the use of a digital camera with the use of this book… And a bit of practice of course!These best digital photography books will surely help you enhance your skills in photography. Start reading and using these books, practice the techniques explained in them and your photos will be so much better. A picture lasts a life time, so you had better make sure that those pictures look like a million bucks!